So many things on this one. It's Memorial Day. It's also my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY since diagnosis. I find myself at a fork in the road as far as treatment goes. Here I discuss the different recommendations I am getting from experts and we finish on a high note with proof that #anythingispossible !!
If you, or someone you know, is surviving with prostate cancer, here are some of the links I use for information and inspiration:
#cancerawareness #prostatecancerawareness #prostatecancertreatment #msk #prostateproblems #prostatehealth #pluvicto #radiationoncologist #radiationtherapy
Prostate Cancer: The Road to Recovery
Dr. Scholz
Prostate Cancer Guru (on @ThePCRI )
Dr. Geo Espinosa (Dr. Geo - Naturopathic Dr with focus on Urology)
/ @geoespinosand @DrGeoProstatePodcast
Dr. Eugene Kwong (Prostate Cancer Research Institute)
• Advanced #ProstateCancer Treatments |...
Dr. Michael Greger (How Not to Die)
@NutritionFactsOrg @NutritionFactsOrg
Zero Prostate Cancer @zeroprostatecancer
Online support group:
They offer online support groups for multiple types of cancers