Perfect your recitation of the Qurān today with our Full Tajweed Course:
0:00 Intro
1:38 Introducing guest
3:48 How my Quran Journey started
6:37 It's never too late
10:25 The role of Duaa
14:46 Trials as a student of the Qurān
18:30 Allah chose me?
19:07 Inspirational figures
20:19 My Parents
21: 29 The support of my father
25:04 The best advice I received
26:23 Sentiments on completing the Qurān
27:39 The world of Qiraat
30:45 The never-ending journey with the Qurān
35:28 You CAN do this
38:35 Tawakul - trust in Allah
39:04 Gaza
45:34 The story of Aasiyah - wife of the Pharoah
48:20 Allah invites us this Ramadān
52:00 Advice for Ramadān
54:45 Qurān & Healing
1:00:00 Seeking Islamic Knowledge
1:11:20 Being a mother
A new podcast series following Muslimah Qurān journeys with the book of Allah.
Episode 2 - Shaykha Saleha completed her Alimiyyah Studies and the Dawratul Hadith programme at Ebrahim College in the Summer of 2018 as a mature student. Additionally, she holds a Bsc (hons) in Computing.
Ustadha studied under many prominent UK scholars including Sh. Akram Nadwi, Mufti Barkatullah, to name a few.
She is a student of Qari Bashir Ahmed Siddique of Madinah Al Munawwara and has received Ijaaza in qira’a from him in the riwayas of Hafs & Shu’ba. Having completed the riwaya of Qalun, Warsh, ibn kathir and as in now on ibn amir. She has also studied the seven authentic qira'at under the guidance of Sh. Amjad Sheikh.
Since graduation, she has been working with various Shariah councils and Muslim organisations, specialising in Islamic Law on marriage & divorce.
Member of a Multi-Faith Chaplaincy team at Canary Wharf.
And often appears as Judge for female contestants in the yearly qiraat competitions (National Hufadh Association). She is also the first female co-host of Islam iQA.
Shaykha Saleha has been a teacher in Quran & Tajweed for over 10 years and is currently teaching Quran, Tajweed, Fiqh, Arabic, Islamic studies at Ebrahim College, Q-Iman and other online platforms.
She is also a mother to two.
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