Join us on a virtual journey to central Arizona where you'll visit two fascinating hilltop Pueblo sites and an elaborate cavate complex in the Verde Valley. This is the land of the Hisatsinom people, ancestors to the Hopi, who farmed the land and occupied evenly-spaced, large hilltop village sites throughout the valley from around 1150 to 1350 AD.
This film includes tours of two Conservancy preserves from this era, Sugarloaf Pueblo and Atkeson Pueblo, along with a visit to an impressive group of interconnecting cavates along Oak Creek. The virtual tour concludes with a visit to the @VerdeValleyArchaeologyCenter which features Hisatsinom artifacts from the Dyck Cliff Dwelling Collection.
Featuring (in order of appearance) Jim Walker, Ken Zoll, Monica Buckle, Rob Elliott, and April Brown
Directed by April M. Brown
Running time: 1 hour 1 min in Full HD (Closed Captions in English)
Filmed on location in the Verde Valley of Arizona in April 2022
| The Archaeological Conservancy 2022