Online EPRS policy roundtable |Tuesday 19 November 2024 | 15:00 – 16:30 CET
On 5 November 2024, Americans cast their vote for the 47th US President, about one third of Senators and all 435 voting Representatives of US Congress. The outcome of these general and presidential elections will have major implications for both US domestic politics and foreign policy. The latter includes the future of transatlantic relations, cooperation on Ukraine, Russia, China, the Middle East, climate change, trade, defence, etc. Experts will be invited to debate what to expect from the newly elected president and US Congress members.
Speakers include:
Brando BENIFEI, MEP, Chair of the EP delegation for relations with the United States
Jovita NELIUPŠIENĖ, EU Ambassador to the United States
Bruce STOKES, Visiting Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund; former Director of Pew Research Center's Global Economic Attitudes
Leslie VINJAMURI, Director of the US and the Americas programme, Chatham House; Professor of International Relations, SOAS University of London
Mark STRAND, former President of the Congressional Institute and current adjunct professor of legislative affairs at George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management
Matthew BOYSE, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Center on Europe and Eurasia; adjunct lecturer at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, the George Washington University, and American University
Walter GOETZ, Head of the EU-US Congress Liaison Office in Washington DC
Moderator: Eva-Maria POPTCHEVA, Head of the External Policies Unit, EPRS
EPRS publication related to this event:
* Topical Digest: United States (November 2024):
* Topical Digest: EU transatlantic relations (November 2024):