Welcome to Episode 3 of Season 5.
Thank you for 11:46 of your time. Today, we show you step-by-step, how to load the paper correctly in your Epson F570 dye sublimation printer and what to do if you encounter a paper skew error. We also show you the advantages of going through the screen prompts, first, instead of loading the paper and then going through the screen prompts. Do you go through the screen, first?... or load the paper first and then the screen?
Some of the products I use can be found below. Yes, they are affiliate links and I do make a few pennies from it, but it's free to click and purchasing products through these links can help your printing solutions. All income that comes from affiliate links is saved up to be used to purchase products that will eventually be used for give-a-ways.
https://amzn.to/44PQOnj (Refillable Cartridges)
http://bit.ly/3YJgUVL (xTool)
http://bit.ly/41ly1P4 (xTool D1/D1 Pro Air Assist)
http://bit.ly/3IuQQHf (xTool D1 Pro 20W Desktop Laser)
http://bit.ly/3ECqnpR (xTool D1 Pro/D1 Extension Kit)
http://bit.ly/3Eypa2J (xTool D1 Pro/D1 Extension Kit w/ 2 Honeycomb Panels)
http://bit.ly/3YXYyAC (xTool RA2 Pro)
https://amzn.to/44zYyJT (T-Square)
https://amzn.to/46YCGcH (Ink Spatulas)
https://amzn.to/3DmyMwP (Paint Mixer 1-Gallon)
https://amzn.to/3q1rZ8D (Paint Mixer 5-Gallon)
https://amzn.to/3OoyVWN (Screen Print Transparency Film)
https://amzn.to/3rFB9YX (2" Mini Squeegee to card off emulsion edge when coating screens)