Could the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) be the biggest driver of your thyroid disease?
If you’ve tried taking herbs, changing your diet, and using other methods to eradicate EBV in the hopes of helping your thyroid get better with no results, you may want to consider if EBV is a fundamental factor for you.
In my book, The Thyroid Reset Diet, I discuss how a diet full of natural foods and micronutrients can help the thyroid.
EBV can wreak havoc on your thyroid health. But poor thyroid function doesn’t necessarily point to EBV.
Most cases of EBV are a misdiagnosis from misread test results. While many people are exposed to EBV – as the lab results show – exposure isn’t the same as having the active virus.
Let’s dive deeper into EBV to explore the science behind this common virus and how it relates to your thyroid disease. We’ll discuss who might need to worry about the virus and when to take action. Read More:
Were you recently diagnosed with thyroid disease? Maybe you were confused by the terms in social media posts. It can be hard to understand a topic if you never learned its foundational concepts. This free training series can take someone with no background in thyroid disease and give them a solid foundation from which they can grow. Learn More:
People with thyroid disease need better options. Because you can feel better. You deserve nothing less. The Thyroid Reset Diet gives you a step-by-step plan to reset your thyroid—and restore it to good function. The goal? Up to 70% of people feel significantly better and reverse their thyroid disease. Receive Special Gifts When You Order Your Copy Today:
Do you want answers about your thyroid?
Are you tired of confusing thyroid advice?
Do you want your doctor to work with you on your ideal thyroid plan?
Schedule a Thyroid Second Opinion with “Top Doc” Dr. Alan Christianson, nationally recognized naturopathic endocrinologist, and NY Times bestselling author:
#DrAlanChristianson #Thyroid