Famous test pilot Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown saw service aboard the world's first escort carrier, HMS Audacity. As a young pilot flying the Royal Navy's first operational squadron of F4F Wildcats (known as Martlets in the Fleet Air Arm), he was pitted against U-boats and Fw 200 Condors in a desperate bid to cut the heavy losses being experienced by convoys crossing the Bay of Biscay between the British Isles and Gibraltar. For four short but spectacular months, HMS Audacity proved the power of even a few small aircraft against the worst Germany could throw against them.
https://www.studio88.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=land%20place&PN=No_Place_to_Land%2Ehtml#aGic_2dM173 ►
'No Place to Land', by Naval aviation painter Michael Turner.
https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Duels_in_the_Sky.html?id=uMcMAAAACAAJ ► Duels in the Sky: World War II Naval Aircraft in Combat, By Captain Eric M. Brown, RN
https://navalairhistory.com/tag/eric-winkle-brown/ ► Eric 'Winkle' Brown, Mathew Willis' website
► YouTube Channel - @ArmouredCarriers
► Website - https://www.armouredcarriers.com/
► Twitter - @ArmouredCarrier
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ6C0Z-sR4QrH6GRP0wtsNd0Pa2TZVvV2 ► More User Experience documentaries
https://youtu.be/xIKG1fqJ1TA ► Eric 'Winkle' Brown's Fw200 kills flying the F4F
https://youtu.be/ndjiKhiNNdw ► HMS Glorious: Bloody shambles, Pt1
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#documentary #military #ww2 #navy #war #history #warthunder #worldofwarships #dark #lost #memories #airplane #aircraftcarrier