Let's look at how you can use the pages in your new Erin Condren LifePlanner to plan out your year, months, and weeks to stay organized and get things done. Plus, there are so many ideas for the 12 boxes and dashboard pages!
🛍️ L I N K S
• Erin Condren LifePlanner: http://shrsl.com/4iu9a
• Name Stickers: https://www.plannerkate.com/product-page/custom-name-scripts-planner-stickers-limit-one-name-sheet?ref=kk
• Other planning favorite tools: https://kristankremer.com/favorites
• Amazon Store Front: https://amzn.to/3P6QDyT
• Walmart Store Front: https://walmrt.us/48lz70F #walmartpartner
💵 C O U P O N S
• Erin Condren $10 Off : https://kristankremer.com/ECSave10
• PlannerKate 20% Off : KK20 https://www.plannerkate.com/?ref=kk
• Cultivate What Matters 10% Off : KRISTANKREMER https://cultivatewhatmatters.com/KRISTANKREMER
🥰 Let's Be Friends!
@kristankremer on all socials
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❕D I S C L O S U R E
Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission if you make a purchase through the link. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for helping me support my family by making it possible for me to stay home to make videos and continue to provide you with free content each week!
🎵 M U S I C
Track: Infinity — Declan DP [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/QV-5aZhWo5w
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/infinity
Elevator Hold Music Bossa
Music I Use: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos
License code: 0XY6YCQNR7D19BD8
#erincondren #ecsquad #plannercommunity #planwithme