welcome to Armana plus this channel intended to help you better understand the movie and save your time from the lengthy or even boring ones .Movie recap don't forget to subscribe my lovely family .
እንካዕ ናብ ኣርማና ፕላስ ብደሓን መፃእኹም እዚ ቻነል እቶም ፊልምታት ዝበለፀ ንምርዳእን ካብ ነዋሕትን ብተወሳኺ ኣሰልቸይቲ ካብ ዝኾኑ ፊልምታት ጊዜኦም ንምቁጣብ ብሓፂሩ ንክትርእዩ ዝተሓሰበ እዩ። subscribe ምግባር ከዓ ከይትርስዑ ፍቱዋት ቤተሰብ