We attended the largest estate / farm auction of antique tractors that we have ever been to. This was all from one man's collection. There were also many other antiques, tools, trucks, farm equipment, etc. at this auction in Albemarle, North Carolina.
Hathcock Auctions - (704) 984-0028
Norwood Auction Company - https://www.facebook.com/p/Norwood-Auction-Co-100042673766045/
Olive Branch Ranch Ministries - https://www.olivebranchr.org
Channels of Inspiration:
justhankinaround Youtube - @hankingaround1976
Stoney Ridge Farmer - @StoneyRidgeFarmer
Hamiltonville Farm - @Hfoutdoorsyt
Piney Woods Homestead - @CarolinaSaltwaterLiving
Brayden Bowman - @braydenbowman2745
Puddin's Fab Shop - @PuddinsFabShop
Farmall Fanatic Youtube - @FarmallFanatic
Adventures Made From Scratch -@AdventuresMadeFromScratch
Mr. Goodpliers Youtube - @mr.goodpliers6988
Junkyard Digs - @JunkyardDigs
Diesel Creek - @DieselCreek
Grubb Mudd - @GRUBB-MUDD
Andrew Camarata - @AndrewCamarata
Mr. Beast @MrBeast
#farmauction #auction #farming #estatesale #estatesalefinds