One third of European breeding bird species are migrant birds that occur across the continent and winter in Africa, and most of these species are landbirds. Many species are in serious decline from multiple causes in multiple areas of the flyway. A COST Action scientific network was established to understand these migrant landbird population dynamics because research must take place over the scale of the birds’ flyway. We, therefore, create a scientific network at the appropriately large scale through flyway level cooperation and coordination of existing local research throughout Europe, and training and sharing of expertise to peripheral countries.
Research Coordination Objectives:
- Integrate local researchers into multidisciplinary flyway-level research and align international conservation priorities.
- Enhance diverse connections among researchers, improving knowledge exchange and identifying key research gaps for prioritization.
- Foster Species Action Plans and legislation across Europe and the flyway.
Capacity Building Objectives:
- Train early career researchers in Inclusiveness Target Countries through mentorship with experienced professors for sustainable network growth.
- Utilize varied expertise to merge data, validate remote sensing, and apply economic and sociological insights for effective conservation.
- Engage researchers to provide context ensuring practical relevance and acceptance of conservation efforts and Species Action Plans.