0:00 Family Ring
0:16 Dammon (Trader)
0:37 Hat of Fire Acuity
0:57 Rippling Force Mail
1:10 Shield of Scorching Reprisal
1:27 Quartermaster Tali (Trader)
1:51 Mattis (Trader)
2:02 Flawed Helldusk Armor
2:14 Snowburst Ring
2:26 Shifting Corpus Ring
2:36 Moon Devotion Robe & Jyanell's Gloves (May or may not work)
2:55 Frost Prince
3:05 Ironwood Club & Ring of Self Immolation
3:20 Shadow-Cloaked Ring
3:37 Luminous Gloves
3:49 Cruel Sting, Moonlantern, Thermoarcanic Gloves, & Hammergrim Mist Amulet
4:18 Ring of Twilight, Dark Justiciar Mask & Gloomstrand Shield
4:34 Prenumbral Armor
4:44 Covert Cowl & Coruscation Ring
4:54 Twist of Fortune
5:38 Gloves of Battlemage's Power, Fireheart, & Ironvine Shield
5:58 Helmet of Arcane Acuity
6:09 Icebite Robe & Boots of Apparent Death
6:19 True Love's Caress
6:29 Lightning Jabber
6:47 Protective Plate & Fleshmelter Cloak
7:00 Eversight Ring, Bided Time, Strange Tendril Amulet, & Firzu's Ring of Trading
7:18 Psionic Ward Armor & Hr'a'cknir Bracers
7:28 Punch-Drunk Bastard, Ichorous Gloves, & Rat Bat
7:45 Ritual Dagger of Shar
8:09 Raven Gloves
8:27 Assassin's Shortsword & Watcher's Shield
8:37 Surgeon's Subjugation Amulet
9:01 Shar's Tempation, True Love's Embrace, & Poisoner's Gloves
9:28 Ring of Shadows & Ring of Mental Inhibition
10:05 Lann Tarv (Trader)
10:38 Roah Moonglow (Trader)
10:54 Derivation Cloak, Coldbrim Hat, & Shadow Lanturn
11:30 Cloak of Elemental Absorbtion & Spineshudder Amulet
11:43 Araj Oblodra (Weird Trader)
12:20 Spellcrux Amulet & Browbeaten Circlet
12:36 Potent Robe
12:51 Vivacious Cloak
13:01 Circlet of Bones
13:21 Callous Glow Ring
13:31 Least Excpected
13:41 Hellfire Hand Crossbow
13:55 Dark Justiciar Gauntlets & Boots of Brilliance
14:09 Killer's Sweetheart
14:17 Spear of Night, Dark Justiciar Helmet, Dark Justiciar Half-Plate
14:42 Justiciar's Scimitar & Justiciar's Greatshield
15:04 Moonlight Glaive or Shar's Spear of Evening
15:31 Absolute's Protector, Arguement Solver & Myrkulite Scourge
15:52 Ring of Exhalted Marrow & Sylvan Scimitar
16:13 Infernal Rapier
16:39 Circlet of Mental Anguish, Braindrain Gloves, & Blade of Oppressed Souls
17:03 Kethric's Warhammer, Reaper's Embrace, & Kethric's Shield
17:17 Selunite's Spear of Night