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Every Poison Type Pokemon Explained! | Gnoggin

Lockstin & Gnoggin 2,022,050 7 years ago
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Ever wonder how various Pokemon poisons work? Then this is the video for you! Plus it turns out a bunch of poison type Pokemon aren't actually poisonous at all! Let's learn why. Checkout Catalyst Mints and new Energy powders!: Help keep the channel alive! Patreon ➤ Direct Donate ➤ Support for Free ➤ 🆓 Socials: Twitter ➤ Instagram ➤ Facebook ➤ Discord ➤ Have you ever wondered the following questions? Why is Bulbasaur poison type? Why is Ivysaur poison type? Why is Venusaur poison type? Why is Koffing poison type? Why is Weezing poison type? Why is Gengar poison type? Why is Nihilego poison type? Why is Poipole poison type? Why is Naganadel poison type? Why is Seviper poison type? Why is Croagunk poison type? Why is Roserage poison type? Why is Salazzle poison type? Why is Salandit poison type? If so, then this is the video for you! It also covers and explains the poison typing of these fine pokemon: Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, ekans, arbok, nidoran, nidorina, nidoqueen, nidorino, nikoking, zubat, golbat, crobat, oddish, gloom, vileplume, venonat, venomoth, bellsprout, weepinbell, victreebel, tentacool, tentacruel, grimer, muk, gastly, haunter, spinarak, ariados, qwilfish, dustox, roselia, gulipn, swalot, budew, stunky, skuntank, skorupi, drapion, toxicroak, venipede, whirlipede, scolipede, trubbish, garbodor, foongus, amoonguss, skrealp, dragalge, mareanie and toxapex. It's quite the list of Pokemon, and we cover them all here! I also think it's interesting how nearly half of all poison type pokemon are from generation 1! Gen 1! Guess Game Freak used all of their ideas there! Additional Credits: Editor: Pro Nosidda: Compilation of Pokemon fanart source: Gnoggin is where gamers and geeks use their heads. Discovering the science behind various aspects of games. Developing one video game theory after another. We focus more on games like Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, (pretty much Nintendo) but we also go through other games from time to time as well! Even comic books and a film theory from time to time. From Minecraft to Halo, lets explore the psychology of many characters, the anatomy of mythical races, and the technology of fantasy worlds. Click that Subscribe and Bell button to get your bi-weekly dose of brain exercise for nerds. Additional Credits: Editor: Pro Nosidda: Fan art in thumbnail: Nolwennmnc Salazzle at 17:17 by: Compilation of Pokemon fanart source: By: 1558, Aithekitsune, AldrutheBrovahkiin, Alex-namn, Animefanbyheart, Aoando, AoiSora19S, Aqua-Blade, arlotian, Astr0nautical, Astra321123, BakaZick, blackwing2, BloodyMoose, Cancer-Cub, CCDragon-93, chespien, ChicoConSuArte, ChineseViking, Chylow, CosmicColours, Crystalitar, Cyilla, DemonicSugarcube, Derekari, DillyDraws, DoctorCasualArts, DragonchildX, DragonDodo, dratimeg, FichuZ, Flames-Flare, FragileShedinja, FrigidWings, Froodals, FroslassManiac, gjavavont, GoldenLionofRA, goldree, GrassyXertal, Grazyfish, Harvocely, Hedgey, HigureGinhane, Howling-Wolf, Jiolyemaster, kajat-kay, Kboomz, kebani, Kissuli, Kisuenart, kopycat101, Krisantyne, Kryptoknight01, LadyKindle, Laurosaurus, LeafiaDream, lucinn, Mad-Revolution, magickid1234, Makoes, manatiki, mapsal313, Marche-Towers, Mastachaos, MightyBiteySnake, Moonlight-Skies, morimoriheart, MysteriousDane, neon-izumi, OctaviaArtist, Okonominazi, osarumon, PaperCactus, Petefjord, Phyllocactus, Pikarry, PitchBlackEspresso, Pokemonpassage, ProfessorHollysPlace, qnerdi, RandomSilentNinja, RavenWolfie97, RBHMEM, RedDancanoe, RedFireFreak, RobbyCobalt, Roflmao-the-Clown, Ryua, S-q-t-v-a-l-9, Serastroph, SexyMooseQueen, ShadeofShinon, shadowumbreon768, Silval58, Silver13riolu, Sinomis, Siseja-sama, SparklingSneasel, spruce56, SubZer0Girl, SuperLakitu, Supertmuzz, thanhmotkhuc, ThatDerpyDinosaur, thatlurkerguy, TheBookwormMaddy, TheWarriorArtist, ToxicWyvern, TravelersUnite, TruffleButter, UmbreonGal, UsoliaNaviento, VoxRobotics, Walory, Waltonsaurus, WeirdaMirrart, whitesparrow123, WolfStarmie, WulfWhistle, xOwleyex, YoshiofRedemption, YukiraNine, Yunuroko
