For a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and Justice in the Old Republic. During this immense period of time that spanned many milenia, force wielders developed several distinct lightsaber combat forms to suit their changing and varied needs. Many believe that there are only 7 lightsaber forms. However, this is not entirely true. Each of the 7 lightsaber forms could be broken down into a plethora of different sub-groups or hybrid forms. In addition to this, there were several other rarer lightsaber forms and many integral techniques that get little attention. The Star Wars Galaxy was immensely large, old and contained a diverse variety of different species. As we’ve explored in the previous videos in this series, lightsabers themselves were also incredibly diverse, with thousands of different variations. Therefore, the idea that all lightsaber fighting styles can be boiled down to 7 types is a gross oversimplification. In this video, we will discuss all the various lightsaber forms in depth. As this will be one of my longer videos, you may want to grab a drink and a snack before we start.
But before we get into the all of the different lightsaber forms, we must first begin with the basic manouvers and techniques of lightsaber combat.
Much of the basics of lightsaber combat were developed very early on in the Jedi’s history. The first lightsaber form to develop was Shii-Cho, also known as form, one, the way of the saarlac or the determination form. I won’t go into too much detail now as we’ll be exploring it in more depth later on in the video, but it is importantly to briefly understand that this ancient form served as the basic building block for pretty much every other lightsaber form and was usually taught to Jedi initiates soon after they were brought to the Jedi temple.
And before we go any further guys, a quick reminder. The VF Sabers lightsaber giveaway winner will be announced in a few weeks time. Remember, all you have to do to enter is subscribe with the bell on and comment your ideal lightsaber down below. The most detailed and original idea wins. Best of luck guys and may the force be with you. ANyway back to the video.
The first major basic concept to understand is body target zones. For most lightsaber forms, attacks are carried out with horizontal swipes while parries are executed with a vertical block. While this is very generalised, the opponents body could generally be broken down into 6 zones.
Zone 1 was the head. A zone 1 assault consisted of a vertical cut to the head with the purpose of vertically cutting the opponent, with a horizontal block as the accompanying parry. A high guard posture was often employed to precede a traditional zone 1 assault, The parry position in zone 1 was a horizontal guard with the blade held at head-height and inclined across the body.
Zone 2 included the right arm and side. Zone 2 assaults were horizontal sideswipes, with a vertical parry posture as a counterattack. Shii-Cho sparring routines used a waist-height handle with the blade extended upwards, but other combat styles used drop parries with the handle held high. [47] Assuming that a humanoid duelist's dominant arm is their right arm, all hits against his weapon arm correspond to Zone 2 attacks.
Zone 3 included the left arm and side. Zone 3 attacks were pretty much the same as Zone 2 attacks, although they assumed that the duelist was left handed.
Zone 4 was the back, one of the most vulnerable zones of any opponent. A standard zone 4 attack was usually a variation of a Zone 2 or 3 attack. A zone 4 parry came in two forms. The duellest could either angle the blade downward along the length of their back or place the hilt by their waist and angle it up their back. The first tparry position was obviously superior but both wqere taught in order toi keep as many defensive options open to them as possible.
Zones 5 and 6 were very similar, referring to the right and left leg respectively. Zone 5 and 6 attacks taught the weilder to slash downward while the corresponding defensive measure were drop parries with the hilt held near the waist.
These very basic attacks and parries were then built upon with the Three Rings of Defence. The first was the outer ring. This basically relied on long, sweeping blows to strike at range, while emplying four guard poisons where the blade would be held diagonally in the upper right or left and lower right and left.
The middle ring was meant to dish out and block blows quicker. The guard positions were held at right angles either horizontally or vertically. As well as being an integral part of lightsaber combat, the middle ring was the primary means of defence against blaster bolts in most forms.
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