We put together EVERY song from O Brother, Where Art Thou. Join Ulyssees (George Clooney), Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) and Pete (John Turturro) as they sing their way through their troubles as the Soggy Bottom Boys! Featuring the Siren song "Didn't Leave Nobody but the Baby", "I Am a Man of Constant Sorry", "Down to the River" and more.
00:00 - Po Lazarus
01:22 - Down to the River to Pray
03:44 - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow
05:26 - Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby
07:53 - Chain Gang Song
08:30 - Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
09:12 - In the Highways
09:54 - In the Jailhouse Now
10:33 - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow (Reprise)
14:48 - You Are My Sunshine
15:25 - Lonesome Valley
19:03 - O Come, Angel Band
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) After escaping prison, Ulysses, Delmar and Pete embark on a journey to find a hidden treasure. As lawmen pursue them, a new companion and a brush with antisocial elements turn their lives around.
Watch the full movie here: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/o-brother-where-art-thou
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