Dr. Richard Brown is a professor in the Philosophy Program and an Adjunct Professor in the Psychology Program at LaGuardia Community College. Today, he joins us to discuss the origin of consciousness, consciousness in animals, philosophy of God, and other interesting questions about life. WELCOME TO CAMP! 🏕️
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0:00 What Is Consciousness?
8:57 What Is An Animal's Conscious Experience?
18:25 Difference In Visual Perceptions
33:07 Neuroscience In Psychology
37:05 Integrated Information Theory
39:14 Attention In Consciousness + Psychology Experiments
44:14 Recurrency In The Brain
46:27 Higher Order of Philosophy + Seeing Red As Green
50:06 Example of Order of Philosophy
1:04:46 Galileo's Error + Panpsychism
1:19:58 Challenges For Panpsychism and Dualism
1:23:31 Evolution of The Idea of Consciousness
1:26:44 Is Knowledge Validity?
1:34:52 Neutral Monism
1:36:15 Agnosticism
1:41:09 The Speed of Light
1:42:40 Astrology
1:44:15 Basis of Belief + God
1:54:38 Philosophy and Comedy
1:56:06 Hypnotism
1:59:49 Psychological Explanations For NHI Encounter
2:09:31 Empirical Evidence For Supernatural Events
2:17:45 Sensing People Staring + Double Slit Experiment