It costs nothing to be kind.
To be authentically concerned.
To be giving.
To be open.
To be courteous.
To be HUMAN.
I have long maintained that Social media is not the problem. People use social media with the wrong intent. And our societies have made it cool to be an asshole.
Society has taken bullying, change its wardrobe, and called it “dragging”.
Society has taken abuse, put red lipstick on it, and then called it being “woke”.
I was raised to believe:
You can raise your voice without being unkind.
You can correct someone without being rude.
You can teach someone without reducing them & stripping of their humanity.
Before you comment on how important mental health is (and to be clear, it absolutely is important), just check your own timeline & make sure you’re not the one attacking, ridiculing, or insulting people.
Some of you are the reason somebody right now is on their knees praying for strength.
Again, don’t be an asshole.
Just. Be. Kind.