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In this lesson, you'll learn everything you need to know about AP Bio Unit 6 to crush your next test or the AP Bio exam.
Link for Mr. W's AP Bio review checklist: https://apbiosuccess.com/checklist
📒 AP Bio Unit 6 Outline📒
00:00 Introduction
01:10j DNA and RNA Structure (AP Bio Topic 6.1)
08:00 DNA Replication (AP Bio Topic 6.2)
14:22 Transcription (AP Bio Topic 6.3))
18:55 The Genetic Code
22:22 Translation/Protein Synthesis (AP Bio Topic Topic 6.4)
28:02 Operons/Prokaryotic Gene Regulation (AP Bio Topic Topics 6.5 - 6.6, part 1)
39:29 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation (AP Bio Topic Topics 6.5 - 6.6, part 2)
47:46 Understanding Introns, Exons, Alternative Splicing, and RNA processing in eukaryotes
52:28 Small RNAs (microRNAs) and post-transcriptional gene regulation for AP Bio student
54:23 Mutation (Topic 6.7, part 1)
01:05:04 Horizontal Gene Transfer: Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction, and Viral Recombination (AP Bio Topic 6.7, Part 2)
01:10:52 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA, Transformation, PCR, Sequencing (AP Bio Topic 6.8)
➡️ Master everything you need to know about AP Bio Unit6 at https://apbiosuccess.com/unit6review
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CREDITS: This video uses images created with Biorender: www.biorender.com