In this video, Olympic Marathon coach Lindsey Parry walks you through EXACTLY what you need to do in order to run a 10k in under 45 minutes...
...You can get access to this exact sub 45 minute 10k training plan that Lindsey talks you through by clicking here:
When you're ready, we'd love to help you become a better runner:
Grab our full mobility flow here:
Grab a strength plan for runners here:
And a training plan here:
In this video:
00:00 Who should follow this plan?
01:06 Overall structure
01:47 The first 3-week block
06:17 Recovery week 1
08:07 Loading cycle 2
11:48 The final 4-week block
14:18 The taper
16:52 Strength training
#10k #Running #TrainingPlan #CoachParry