Evil Cartoon Theories That Will Ruin Your Childhood
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Welcome to the darker side of animation. In this video, we're revealing Evil Cartoon Theories That Will Ruin Your Childhood. These aren't your typical fan theories, these are sinister interpretations that have left viewers shocked and have sparked numerous debates. From hidden messages in your favorite shows to dark origins of lovable characters, these theories will make you see your favorite cartoons in a new, eerie light. Join us as we delve into these unsettling theories. Remember, not everything is as innocent as it seems. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more mind-boggling content. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Time Codes:
0:00 UP
30:57 Cars
1:01:25 Emperor's New Groove
1:30:13 Monsters INC
1:58:37 Brave Boo
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
Most Amazing Top 10 Instagram-
Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski: https://www.instagram.com/okosolofski/
Taylor McWatters: https://www.instagram.com/taylormcwatterscomedy/
Kennedy Ledingham: https://www.instagram.com/kennedyledingham/
Madi Mayhew: https://www.instagram.com/madimayhew1/
Adam Andrews: https://www.instagram.com/the__schmadam/
Emily Murray: https://www.instagram.com/unmistakablyem
James Naunton: https://www.instagram.com/radikaljimmy/
Edited By:
Garreth Arenburg-Duchesne https://www.instagram.com/swedishyogurt/
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