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Caygill, Peter. Combat Legend Focke-wulf Fw 190. Ramsbury, UK: Airlife Publishing Limited, 2002
Forsgren, Jan. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Design and Operational History
Cescotti, Roderich. The History of German Aviation: Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft 1939 to the Present. Schiffer Publishing, 2001
Smith, Hugh. “Jet Aircraft Of World War II.” The Air Power Historian 9, no. 3 (1962): 166–72.
LePore, Herbert P. “Eyes in the Sky: A History of Liaison Aircraft and Their Use in World War II.” Army History, no. 17 (1990): 30–39.
Harvey, A.D. “German Aircraft Design during the Third Reich.” Air Power History 61, no. 2 (2014): 28–35.
Zamansky, Dan. “Germany’s Air War on the Eastern Front: A Flying Reminder.” Air Power History 66, no. 1 (2019): 45–49.
Maddock, Ian A. “Specialized Anti-Armor Aircraft of the Eastern Front: 1941-1945.” SAE Transactions 109 (2000): 1001–15.
Boog, Horst. “Germanic Air Forces and the Historiography of the Air War.” Aerospace Historian 31, no. 1 (1984): 38–42.
Wilkins, Mark C. "German Fighter Aircraft in World War I: Design, Construction and Innovation": Casemate Illustrated Special, 2019.
Armchair Historian Theme - Zach Heyde
Suca Jeanne in a Waltz - Leimoti
As History Unfolds - Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
The Great War - Jon Bjork
To All the Glory - Howard Harper-Barnes
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Wash It All Away - Alec Slayne
Evidence - Alec Slayne
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