Download Excel Zipped Folder with all files: This video is a comprehensive lesson in Data Analysis in Excel and Power BI. This full free Microsoft 365 Excel & Power BI class is taught by Excel MVP and Highline College Professor and can be found here: Topics in video: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2. (03:52) What is Data Analysis? 3. (04:37) Sorting and Filtering. Example 1 & 2 4. (13:24) FlashFill. Example 3. 5. (15:58) Standard PivotTable with Summarize Values By and Show Values As calculations. Example 4. 6. (20:25) Power Query to import, clean, transform and refresh data and load to Excel Worksheet. Complete Introduction to Power Query. Example 5. 7. (34:07) First look at Power Query’s Functional Language: M Code 8. (55:05) Power Query to Import and combine 12 tables into one table and load directly to a PivotTable Report & Excel Chart Visualization. Example 6. 9. (01:10:18) Excel Line Chart Visualization based on PivotTable 10. (01:14:04) Data Modeling for Examples 7, 8 & 9 11. (01:17:51) XLOOKUP function, PivotTable and Excel Charts to build report and visualization. Example 7. 12. (01:28:37) Power Pivot, Data Model, Relationships and DAX Formulas to build Data Model PivotTable Reports. Power Query to import Excel data. Complete Introduction to Power Pivot. Example 8. 13. (01:55:51) Sort By Column Feature for Data Field in Data Table 14. (01:57:21) Filter Context for DAX Formulas in Data Model 15. (02:02:04) Implicit Measures and Automatic Date Grouping: Dangers of Data Models 16. (02:05:54) Mark As Date Table 17. (02:07:05) Send Data Model to Power BI Desktop to make Interactive & Sharable Dashboard. Example 9. 18. (02:07:32) Complete Introduction to Power BI Desktop, Including how to download free app 19. (02:18:53) Building Interactive Visuals 20. (02:29:08) Stacked Bar/Chart Vs. Clustered Bar/Chart 21. (02:34:48) Complete Introduction Power BI Online and Workspaces to share Power BI Desktop files, Excel files, dashboards and data models easily online. 22. (02:43:00) What is a Dashboard? 23. (02:48:06) Connect to Data Models stored at Power BI Online in Excel and Power BI Desktop 24. (02:51:46) Refresh Excel Power Pivot, Power BI Desktop and Power BI Online when Source Data Changes 25. (02:57:08) Power BI Desktop and Power Query to import 7 million rows of SQL Database sales data and build Interactive Gross Profit Dashboard. Example 10. 26. (02:59:43) What is a Columnar Database? 27. (03:01:15) Idea behind DAX Revenue Formula (Measure) 28. (03:02:53) Log in to SQL Database, Import 7 million rows of data with Power Query in Power BI Desktop 29. (03:07:33) Build DAX Date Table 30. (03:12:33) Row Context in DAX Calculated Columns and DAX Iterator Functions 31. (03:17:48) Hide Fields in Report View 32. (03:19:10) Two-Step DAX Revenue Measure using ROUND and RELATE#D DAX functions 33. (03:26:18) One-Step DAX Revenue Measure using SUMX DAX function 34. (03:28:32) Compare One-Step and Two-Step Measures. Which is better? 35. (03:31:26) Create four Remaining Measures in Report View 36. (03:34:18) What is Gross Profit? Two Measures for Gross Profit. 37. (03:38:51) Create Two Power BI Reports, including Map Report 38. (03:41:23) Map Visual 39. (03:43:19) Conclusion 40. (03:43:44) Closing and Video Links Song in video: Rock Intro 3 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. . Artist: Class Playlist: #MikeGirvin #excelisfun #MikeexcelisfunGirvin #Microsoft365Excel #FreeDataAnalysisClass #DataAnalysisOnlineCourse #pivottables #powerquery #powerpivot #powerbi #powerbidesktop #DAXMeasures #DAXFormulas #mcode #PowerQueryFormulas #sort #filter #filterfunction #flashfill #LearnDataAnalysis #datascience #YouTubeDataAnalysis #BusinessIntelligence #dataanalytics #dataanalysis #dataanalyst #ExcelMVP #xlookup #SUMX #related #COUNTROWS #relationships #datamodel #datamodeling #DataModelinginPowerBI #freeclass #FreePowerBIClass #visualization #powerbidesktop #mcode #excel #dax #learndax #daxfunctions #measure #daxmeasure