Madurai Special Empty Biryani is a unique twist on traditional biryani, originating from Madurai, Tamil Nadu. It's served without fillings, allowing fragrant rice and spices to shine. This recipe is demonstrated by Mr. Saravanan from Velavan Catering services. As popular as the Parotta and Bun Parotta are in Madurai, this empty Biriyani/Kuska is a dish that is definitely served in every Parotta shop. This recipe is an ideal pick for non-vegetarians who wish to seek the taste and flavours of non-vegetarian in a vegetarian dish. Watch the entire video to learn much more about this recipe.
Recipe by Velavann Catering, Madurai.
Mr. Saravanan: 98423 73007
Plain Biryani
Seeraga Samba Rice - 3 kg
Coconut Oil - 600 ml
Onion - 800 g
Tomato - 600 g
Green chilli - 6 nos
Ginger Garlic Paste - 200 g
Chilli Powder - 20 g
Coriander Powder - 30 g
Salt - 2 Handful
Ghee - 300 ml
Cinnamon - 3 g
Cardamom - 3 g
Cloves - 3 g
Mint Leaves - A Handful
Coriander leaves - A Handful
Curd - 300 ml
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Hello!! My Name is chef Deena from the popular Adupangarai show in Jaya TV Viewers must have seen me in Zee Tamil shows as well. My Culinary journey as a trainee to become an Executive Chef is incredible. My experience in the culinary field is for more than fifteen years and my USP is Indian cooking !! Apart from being a TV cookery host, my experience lies mainly with being employed in some of the major star hotels across the country especially the Marriott group.
Chef Deena Cooks is my English Youtube Channel! Practical, simple recipes are my forte and using minimal easily available ingredients is my hallmark. Rudiments of cooking and baking are taught from scratch and any amateur cook can learn to make exciting dishes by watching my channel! Also, Cooking traditional foods, Easy cooking Recipes, Healthy Snacks, Indian curries, gravies, Baking and Millions of other homemade treats.
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