Witness the trademark humour of Captain Blackadder and his comrades with these exclusive behind-the-scenes moments.
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Blackadder: The Complete Collection is out on Blu-ray now:
Amazon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CKFKMXQ1
Rarewaves - https://tinyurl.com/2s429j89
HMV - https://hmv.com/store/film-tv/blu-ray/blackadder-the-complete-collection
Zavvi - https://www.zavvi.com/blu-ray/blackadder-the-complete-collection/14989640.html
Blackadder: http://bit.ly/ComedyGreatsBlackadder
Live at the Apollo: http://bit.ly/2L9SAuA
Yes, Minister: https://bit.ly/CGYesMinister
Only Fools and Horses: https://bit.ly/CGOnlyFoolsAndHorses
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Welcome to BBC Comedy Greats, home to the best comedy from the BBC! Whether you're a fan of the classics or if stand up comedy is more up your street then check out our hand picked playlists full of the funniest clips by the best performers. From Only Fools and Horses to Live at the Apollo we can guarantee plenty of awesome Comedy Greats.
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