I made this shorter than V2, and im very sorry, but i was demotivated doing very long song with million chars so yeah.. I will do fantracks for every scrapped exodus guys btw.
Me: Song and BG
Hortas: Original characters and Demiurge
Inburger'd: Exodus incomprehensible and Manbi models
NoobGaming: Exodus Morpheus Model
F.R.S.T.8: Exodus Milo model
okthatscool: Exodus Conbi Model
BPM: 200
0:00 - Incomprehensible Bambi
3:12 - Manbi
6:24 - Morpheus
9:36 - Milo
12:48 - Exodus Conbi
14:43 - Incomprehensible
14:52 - Milo
15:02 - Exodus Conbi
15:21 - Exodus Conbi + Incomprehensible
15:40 - Exodus Conbi + Manbi
16:00 - Exodus Conbi + Morpheus
16:19 - Exodus Conbi + Milo
16:38 - Exodus Conbi
WARNING: If you use something from me, pls ask first, and if i said yes then credit me (only if i didn't said that you can not credit me), thanks
If you need something then my discord is: OshiUwU#4047 or https://discord.gg/YRapyyTJpc (yeah, my serv)