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Expedition and Explored| The Oldest and Largest village of Siang District| Riga Village| A . P.

Travel with NapoleonTamat 17,482 3 years ago
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Please don't forget to like, share, comment and subscribe my channel 🙏 #Rigavillage #Mostpopulated #Widestvillage #Oldestvillage #Siangdistrict The Riga Village is the most populated and Oldest/Largest village of Adi belt and Adi Habitat area. it's located about 47km away from District Headquarter Boleng, Siang District Arunachal Pradesh. And besides Riga Village is located on the right bank of Siang river ( Brahmaputra ) and it's situated about 200km away from Pasighat Town East Siang District Arunachal Pradesh. Riga Village is the mainland or Origin of ADi,s peoples and now they have presently living different parts of Arunachal Pradesh. Riga village is blessed with the mother nature huge of sources for Agriculture and full of Resources is more enough for the peoples of Riga village even it's enough for 100/200yrs of the next coming Generation. Tourism places The Riga Village have lots of tourism spots to visit - 1. Gueng Lake ( Gueng He;eng ) 2. Diyung Lake ( Diyung He;eng ) 3. Large cracked stone ( Pamuk Lidung ) 4. Miracle Stream ( Donyi Tegar) 5. Arrow Symbol Stone ( Tukrak yokmo ) 6. Holy stone bridge ( Eling Lego ) Festivals The peoples of Riga Village were celebrate a various festival are as follow - 1. Etor festival 2. Unying Aran festival 3. Pet;uum festival 4. Rikti festival 5. Rome festival 6. Men;het festival 7. Mopun festival 8. Solung festival 9. Pii;neng festival 10. Dorung - are the festivals of Riga village. They celebrate its for different purpose and different occasions in the Name of God Donyi-polo to lots of blessing them and their agriculture for healthy products as well as village for enlighten and prosperous life. Religious Donyi-polo is the biggest and oldest religion of Riga village even it's Engaged 80% of the Riga Village and out of 100%, 20% are engaged Christianity. Follow me on instagram - Facebook page -
