The thrust vectored CARF Eurosport is a beast... watch it perform these crazy maneuvers with all that extra inertia... a thing of beauty! :DDD
Too bad this day we didn't have any clouds to better capture and show the flight maneuvers but the flights were still interesting enough to warrant editing and publishing the vids! :D
So, here we go again... another flight session with this massive, turbine powered RC Jet now in the books! I ran out of nose weight to remove, so next up I'll be replacing the engine starter battery by a smaller one to reduce another 100g of weight in the front of the jet.
The thrustline is almost perfect now and although I'm still not satisfied with my current setup, I'm getting progressively nearer to it and the jet keeps getting better and better with each passing flight! :D
Also, after modifying the braking curve and making sure to land on mid rates, the runway overshooting problem has been solved, hell yeah! :D
I've kept practicing crazy thrust vectored aerobatics at a safe altitude and I'm slowly getting used to the larger airframe and throttle response lag. I did make a serious mistake though; I let the jet slow down too much without adding power while practicing a runway approach to improve my landings, and almost eat the dirt because of that. The thrust kicked in in the last second and with the help of thrust vectoring I managed to keep the jet from slamming into the runway, but it was a close call, my bad! Gotta own your mistakes and learn from them. I'll openly admit that managing to land this jet without overshooting has been a challenge so far.
Funny how practicing crazy maneuvers like flat spins, kulbits, wingovers and J-turns didn't provide much of an issue while testing a simple approach almost costed me the plane... food for thought!
This day I flew on mid and high rates, gyro on but nozzle not stabilized, only the aero surface controls. So yep, that hover midway through one of the flights it's actually me holding the jet in place, not the gyro! :p
Regarding the jet, this is a CARF Models EUROSPORT that I bought second hand from a friend (actually I'm the 4th owner), and upgraded the engine to a Jets Munt M210TS (from a former 160N engine), added a thrust vectoring nozzle and Cortex Pro gyro, changed the radio gear to a triple-redundant Jeti setup and replaced all servos by Savöx and Promodeler shiny things to run a high voltage setup.
Pilot: RC4ever
Video: Luis Ibáñez
Airfield: RACBSA
Flights 9th to 11th on 'Monica'.
00:00 - 12th Flight
08:50 - 13th Flight
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