This video has been a long time coming :) Thanks for listening to me talk about the dsmp for four hours. (Also face reveal I suppose. If you recognize me keep it quiet 😆)
Thanks to:
Spiccytoast on Twitter for drawing some designs for this vid!
Sad-ist for drawing some of the depictions of characters in the background
My friends in the background of this video, for helping me when it got tough and encouraging me the whole way through
The editors of the Dream SMP wiki and everyone who's posted recaps or transcripts online
Tommyinnit, for making one of my favorite fictional characters ever
All of my dear friends I've met through the Dream SMP
And viewers like you :)
0:00 Introduction & Disclaimers
4:54 Season One (Beginning - November 16)
1:03:00 Interlude One (Fanon, Fandom, Social Media)
1:20:40 Season Two (November 16 - Disc Finale)
2:33:59 Interlude Two (Character Designs, Symbolism)
2:48:26 Season Three (Disc Finale - Wilbur's revival)
3:21:23 Interlude Three (Things I Forgot)
3:33:48 Season Four (Wilbur's revival - ending)
3:59:09 Epilogue & Closing Thoughts