歴史家の磯田道史氏により岡山城をわかりやすく解説。天守閣や月見櫓、石垣の変遷などを説明しています。ここではダイジェスト版で紹介していますが6編からなる詳しい内容は、岡山城天守閣でご覧いただけます。第1編 対岸から眺めた岡山城、第2編 石山の城、第3編 天守閣東側石垣、第4編 月見櫓下石垣・廊下門、第5編 中の段、第6編 本殿・天守閣。
Under the direction of Hideie Ukita, a daimyo of the Sengoku Period, Okayama Castle was completed in 1597 after eight years of construction. Because the castle was oriented to the west, Hideie undertook a major project to pull the nearby Asahigawa River to flow along the eastern end of the castle to ward off enemies from entering through the rear. The architecture of the period is partly represented by the use of boards painted with black lacquer on the walls of the castle tower (Tenshukaku). As such, the exterior is black, and in the later periods, the castle came to be known as the Crow Castle (Ujo). Hideie not only used Okayama Castle as a military facility, but also called in merchants and craftsmen around the castle's domain to develop a castle town.
After the Ikeda Family took control over the castle, Okayama Korakuen Garden,a vast daimyo garden, was built to the north across the Asahigawa River at the end of the 17th century.
Under the aegis of historical castle lords, Okayama continued to thrive as a city, laying down the foundations of a modern city.
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