0:00 highlight
2:00 start a journey along the expansion road
10:46 arrive the community of muslims
12:28 go inside of Muslims and other places
16:35 explore Charing Chamres market, mostly muslim vendors there but I came at noon, so no people!
34:13 ask the old man Muslim
38:00 km9 market
41:00 go and see the water and Muslim there!
Hello everyone! Join me as I explore the real-life experiences of Muslims living in Km6-9, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia to see the reality of the current state of Muslims living now. In this journey, we'll delve into the vibrant community lives of the Khmer Muslims. Discover the authenticity of life in this part of Phnom Penh and gain a deeper understanding of Cambodia's diverse cultural landscape.
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-All videos in this channel show you the street food, tour alone in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, tour market, the way Cambodian living(lifestyle), visiting the icononic places in Cambodia, poverty in Cambodia, the reality of Cambodians now, real life along the way...
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