“I am afraid I am going to spoil three verses for you now and you won’t be able to use them again except with the true meaning. Then you will have a really powerful message.”
David Pawson examines three New Testament texts that are often used in evangelism. He argues that they have been misread and quoted out of context by preachers and Christian authors alike. He advocates for them to be read in the context of the relevant book rather than as isolated verses, which were later artificial divisions. As he notes, “a text out of context becomes a pretext”. In providing the context and studying the words carefully the truth is more remarkable than the simplistic, misapplied readings.
David argues that Revelation 3:20 is not a conversion text but rather an invitation to the church (Laodicea), or any individual in a church, to let Jesus (who had been left out of that outwardly successful church) into the church.
In the case of John 1:12–13 David notes that the past tense verbs “received” and “believed” are sometimes erroneously quoted in the present tense. Yet post-Resurrection, “We can only receive the third person of the Trinity who has taken his (Jesus’) place”.
David states that “John 3:16 is probably the most misunderstood and misapplied verse in the whole New Testament”. By also exploring the verses either side of it, and the cross references, he demonstrates that an understanding of the tense, parts of speech, and even the position of quotation marks, leads to a radically different understanding of a verse that is primarily addressed to believers. As he writes: “It is written to keep people believing – to go on believing and thus go on having life and never once perish. What an amazing verse!”
A free to download PDF booklet that accompanies this video called 'Three texts often taken out of context - Expounding the truth and exposing error' can be downloaded from www.explainingbiblicaltruth.global
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©️David Pawson Ministry CIO 2013