When it comes to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, we know the struggle is real.
The symptoms can be overwhelming, and the impact on your health is undeniable.
But here's the thing: Hashimoto's is not just about the thyroid; it's a system-wide issue.
Hashimoto's is an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, which means it affects your ENTIRE body.
You can't just try to fix ONLY your thyroid.
On this week's episode, Dr. E is going to talk all about how Hashimoto's is diagnosed, the treatment, and why you should dig deeper and find the trigger behind this autoimmune response.
Make sure to watch Dr. E to learn all about Hashimoto's and discover how you can start feeling like your old self again.
The Knew Method Live is a show broadcasted live by Dr. Efrat Lamandre every week with the express purpose of providing free, factual, and practical functional medicine tips to help people prevent disease naturally. Through giving healthy nutrition tips, tips on intermittent fasting, managing stress through diet, and advocating self imrpovement for her patients, Doctor E hopes to help you take control of your health destiny and become the GameChanger in your life.
Schedule a Consult today at theknewmethod.com/ytconsult
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00:00 Introduction
01:35 What is Hashimoto's?
02:59 How to treat it
05:18 How to fix it
13:54 Supplements
15:41 Recap
Link to Dr. E's free step-by-step guide: theknewmethod.com/freecourse