Since its establishment, @dubaistud has quickly changed the standards of the breed and keeps setting the bar higher with each passing year.
Leaving aside the incredible amount of titles achieved, Dubai Stud is a place where the horse is always the core of any activity and plan and the routine is focused on improving the breeding and on the daily life at stud.
In this framework, one horse specifically is deserving of any possible accolade. We are talking about ⚜️ FA EL RASHEEM ⚜️, the horse that has left an indelible mark on the breed, that has truly changed lives, standards and concepts. Simply, the REVOLUTION! 🌪️
We are extremely proud to present you this short movie that we've been working on for the past 2 years, meticulously conceived, designed and produced to celebrate this unique stallion, beautiful, gentle, yet strong and fascinating.
Find out the legacy that he has left at Dubai Stud, set to conquer the world's rings, hearts and reshape the Arabian horse breed forever.
An experience that we will cherish forever, THANK YOU Dubai Stud and all involved for entrusting us with this one-of-a-kind project and for allowing us to be a part of their journey.
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