(Please Subscribe) July 19,2023, the FAA released a proposal that would expand Light Sport definitions. But what does this mean to General Aviation? VP of Advocacy EAA Sean Elliott and Van's Aircraft President Rian Johnson join Dan and Christy for a look into the effects this proposal would have if accepted. For commenting, send an email to [email protected] EAA: https://www.eaa.org/eaa Van's RV: https://www.vansaircraft.com/ TakingOff is sponsored by: FlyingEyes – Get 10% using discount code TAKINGOFF at https://flyingeyesoptics.com/ We were customers before they became sponsors! ColtenTakingOff.com https://www.coltenmortgage.com/takingoff – For your residential mortgage or refi needs. Run by a pilot! 67Designs— Cabin Mounts https://www.67d.com/ Incredibly rugged mounts for your tablets, smart phones and cameras in the airplane. Made in the US! XeVision.com –Extreme LED Landing Lights, https://www.xevision.com the only competitor is the sun! https://www.clemensinsurance.net/ – Your broker should be advocating on your behalf—call Clemens to have someone in your corner fighting for you! Marshal Protective Services – https://mpsprotects.com/ Private Security Elevated! Join our Hangar Club at takingoff.s-films.com for special previews and exclusive content. Also, support Christy at Patreon @PilotChristy The large METAR map on the set is from https://metarmaps.com/ Mention TakingOff as you go buy one! The TakingOff Team uses Lightspeed Headsets. Support us by buying your Lightspeed through our link: https://www.lightspeedaviation.com/?ref=13