The Fall Mushroom Season has started early this year here in the Pacific Northwest ... and I'm already foraging incredible amounts of both Pacific Golden Chanterelles (Cantharellus formosus) & White Chanterelles (Cantharellus subalbidus). Is this going to be record year in the PNW? I sure hope so! Whether you're a beginner entering the world of mushroom hunting, a seasoned mycologist, or someone who loves to get outside to forage wild edible and medicinal plants, I hope you find this video helpful!
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Whether you're right here in Western Washington, or in PNW regions near WA (including Northern California, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia, or Vancouver Island), I hope that these videos assist you in keeping tabs on what's coming up in our local forests. And even if you're out east, or overseas in the UK, Europe, Asia, or elsewhere, I hope there's something in here for you too! I always love hearing about what's going on within the world of mushrooms globally, so let me know how the season is treating you.
Here's a little bit of what you can expect in this episode:
00:00 Intro
00:34 Pacific Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus)
08:59 Wood Woolly Foot (Collybiopsis peronata)
14:27 Back to Golden Chanterelles!
18:59 White Chanterelle (Cantharellus subalbidus)
24:18 Golden Ear (Naematelia aurantia)
25:33 Can you find Pacific Golden Chanterelles in Old Growth?
32:39 Discussion on Rosecomb Mutation in Pacific Golden Chanterelles
37:25 Field Dressing Mushrooms
38:34 New Chanterelle Patch found amongst the Sword Ferns
47:20 Black-Footed Polypore (Picipes badius)
48:23 Fuzzy Foot (Xeromphalina campanella)
49:18 False Turkey Tail (Stereum hirsutum) & Club-Like Tuning Fork (Calocera cornea)
51:12 My Favorite Medicinal Mushroom - West Coast Reishi (Ganoderma oregonense)
Thanks for tuning in for this episode of the Mushroom Trail!
Until next time ... Happy Trails!