Falter Alters Prime / Alternate Trinity but it's fully playable.
Important clarification: all assets come from other FNF mods (especially chart and designs). I just gathered the stuff to make FunkerHead's chart better, taking inspiration from CoverRusina's video.
So all honors (except for a few events and coding) go to the original creators.
Credits :
Song by @NominalDingus - https://youtu.be/h5SNYk_0_2c
Sprites by @FlashDream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ovqYldCNbs
Chart by @RoggoHehe - https://youtu.be/C72mTpT-eos
OG Rewrite mod by @Springless - https://gamebanana.com/mods/417560
Retake build by Aureor (me).
Download : https://gamebanana.com/mods/541673