Hi everybody! Sorry this took so long to edit, I am about a month late now, and 2 months after my promised 100k video 😅 I had my friends Smi, Gale, and Billy over for the weekend (Smi for 2 weeks but we forgot to film everything) and we had the best time! We also met up with a bunch of friends at the con and filmed a whole bunch of content you probably have already seen by now.
Thank you to everyone who came up to say hi, it was so nice to meet you all and I hope to see you again next con!
I hope you enjoy this vlog and get to know us a bit better ❤️
(at my house)
Smi - @cosm1play
Billy - @BillyHan
Gale - @allthepotsnpans
(met at the con)
Cindy - @weichiadi / https://www.instagram.com/weichiadi/
Maru - https://www.instagram.com/earldenvoi/
Diya - https://www.instagram.com/diyadabash/
Hannah D. - https://www.instagram.com/hannah.dabash/
Hannah S. - https://www.instagram.com/hannah.sherlie/
Tala - https://www.instagram.com/rexchu_tala/
Alohi - https://www.instagram.com/lohilohi/
00:00 - Intro
2:25 - Getting ready
4:32 - Day 1 at the con (Bingo Stray Dogs)
6:20 - Back home
7:36 - Day 2 at the con (Ouran)
9:04 - Saying bye :(
11:42 - Outro