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FARM UPDATE 269 Weather causes yet more crop loss and new weeder makes an appearance.

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If you are new to the channel, welcome. 😊Please watch the updates below for a tour of the farm, looking at the machinery, grain stores, workshop and yard. Farm tours links: Update 64: FARM UPDATE 64 FARM TOUR PART 1 of 3, DETAILS OUR HEATHLAND FARM WHERE I LIVE, GRAIN STORAGE & CROPS Update 65: FARM UPDATE 65 FARM TOUR PART 2 of 3 LOOKING AT THE MAIN FARM LAYOUT & SOME MACHINERY HISTORY Update 66: FARM UPDATE 66 FARM TOUR PART 3 of 3 LOOKING AT THE CONTRACT FARMING SIDE OF THE BUSINESS #Farming #Agriculture #Food #Manitou #JohnDeere8RX #QuadTrac #JCB #Fastrac #BaileyTrailers #Simba #SimbaMachinery #SimbaCultipress #SimbaUnipress #SimbaXpress #SimbaFreeflowDrill #SimbaFlatliner #SimbaSolo #HousehamSprayer #NewHollandCombine #DalboRolls #Wheat #Barley #OilSeedRape #OSR #Oats #SpringBeans #SugarBeet #BritishSugar #SilverSpoon #Farm #Food #ForageAid #blackgrass #turf #BritishBakedBeans #Flooding #MachinerySale #FarmSale #EnvironmentAgency
