A fast, easy, and cheap work bench you can make in an afternoon. Can it be done? You bet! Make a few minor adjustments by adding casters and integrate an adjustable table saw stand into the table for even better use. Nothin fancy and no frills, just diy usable. Follow along.
0:00 Intro
0:02 Overview of project
3:34 Supplies collected
4:42 Chop up 2x4's
5:32 Base assembly
8:46 Cutting wood and assemble upper section
10:06 Overview of work so far
14:03 Back to assembly
16:04 Update on issues
18:14 Assembly finished
20:38 Update and next steps
22:32 Install casters
24:14 installing table saw
25:41 DIY saw adjustment
27:11 project wrap up
32:22 Outro