When the fat lady sings, the Cowlitz River Coho Salmon run is over. Fortunately for me, I had my ear plugs in when she was bellowing out the last round of total run numbers.
For the week prior to December 2, 2024 the returning Coho numbers were 1021 Adults and 52 Coho Jacks.
For the week of December 9, 2024 the returning Coho numbers were 466 Coho Adults and only 20 Coho Jacks.
Then, for the week prior to this video, the returning Coho numbers were 1345 Coho Adults and 66 Coho Jacks. Meaning there was a substantial increase from the week before.
It is hard to say what the continued December rains will do for the 2024 Salmon runs, but I will say this, this time down to the Cowlitz River Barrier Dam Hatchery Pool was a whole lot of fun...
I floated my signature cured eggs periodically doused in Pro Cure's Bloody Tuna Oil. I also caught a couple twitching Jigs of various colors. And to add some excitement, I tripped and fell while fighting a fish and broke my rod tip. It is always something... :-)
If you want to see how I cure my eggs, watch these two videos.
If want to see some Jig Twitchin' action watch these videos.
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