Most of the patients who need knee replacement procedure are most often terrified of the pain and hard physiotherapy protocol in the postoperative period. To counter them and provide a solution, fast track protocol has been evolved. It is also known as ENHANCED RECOVERY AFTER SURGERY protocol.
In this video the doctor elucidates the specific details of the fast track protocol and its difference from traditional methods.
Fast track protocol is a game changer in the era of knee joint replacement revolution.
#kneeosteoarthritis #kneereplacementoperation #kneearthritis #jointreplacement
Dr Ramprasad Kancherla
MS (ORTHO) AIIMS New Delhi, FAOA (Aus)
A1 Amar orthopaedic hospital
Guntur (AP) 522001.
Appointments contact - 0863 2254321 or 9848650807
Medical reports or online consult whatsapp - 7396280381
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