I spent Tuesday in Carlisle, Ohio with my buddies Buckeye Freight Railin` @GY51360 @SimonsEMDProductions and @LostDepot getting all sorts of action on the rails. We ended up at 4 different locations around town, 3 of which I had never been to before!
The first 2 trains are fast CSX on the Toledo Sub. We have a mixed manifest with 3 GATX "Classroom / Training cars" in the mix headed North and a long empty auto rack headed South.
We than move over to the Norfolk Southern Dayton District and catch a long Southbound mixed manifest that has a vintage ex-Southern Railroad high hood locomotive in the consist. You don`t see these every day in a mainline train, so this was a treat to catch!
We then moved back over to the CSX Toledo Sub and got 2 South bound trains. A loaded auto rack and I 141 intermodal that was very long.
After they passed, we moved a little further North to the Union Road crossing and caught CSX I 142 intermodal headed North and the Middletown Special loaded steel coil train headed North with newly rolled steel. It was really long on this day and the engineer gave a horn salute like none other!
I also made a quick video of the old concrete milepost there with 2 different mile marks on it.
I hope you enjoy this video! Thanks for watching!