[Popular video]
↓ The most regenerated calf in Japan
↓ A daily meal that lost 11 kg in 3 months
Let's pick up tomorrow's self, who is cuter than today!
→ https://www.instagram.com/naru.enjoy_diet/?hl=ja
The diet meals and exercises that are too easy are summarized above!
→ https://twitter.com/naru_enjoy_diet?s=21
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→ https://www.tiktok.com/@naru.enjoy_diet?lang=ja-JP
Leg thin information is being updated
Video editing: Ma-chan
Ma-chan's Instagram
→ https://instagram.com/ma.enjoy_diet?utm_medium=copy_link
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[Job request]
[Who is "Naru"? ]
Hello! I'm a crazy positive dieter born in Fukuoka!
I am stressed by diet and overeating and vomiting.
I experienced an increase or decrease of 20 kg.
My skin was rough, my hair fell out, and my face was swollen.
I thought my life was over.
With my crazy positive power, I succeeded in dieting.
I succeeded in losing 11 kg in 3 months (57 kg → 46 kg, 164 cm)
There is something I can tell you because I've lost my body and soul on a diet.
You don't have to be perfect.
Let's pick up tomorrow's self, who is cuter than today.
with me.