Fatehabad is a District in Haryana State of India. It was a part of Hisar before getting the status of District Head Quarter.
Fatehabad is a Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Fatehabad District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information the sub-district code of Fatehabad block is 00388. Total area of Fatehabad is 1,422 km² including 1,411.16 km² rural area and 10.36 km² urban area. Fatehabad has a population of 4,98,697 peoples. There are 95,837 houses in the sub-district. There are about 95 villages in Fatehabad block, which you can browse from villages list below.
List of Villages in Fatehabad
1. Alipur Bharota 2. Ayalki 3. Badopal 4. Baijalpur 5. Banawali 6. Bangram 7. Banmandore 8. Barolanwali 9. Basin 10. Basti Bhiwan 11. Bawan 12. Behbalpur 13. Bhattu Kalan 14. Bhattu Khurd 15. Bhoda Hoshnak 16. Bhodia Khera 17. Bhuna 18. Bhunra 19. Bhuthan Kalan 20. Bhuthan Khurd 21. Bighar 22. Birdhana 23. Bisla 24. Bodiwali 25. Boswal 26. Chandrawal 27. Chankothi 28. Chaubara 29. Chindhar 30. Daryapur 31. Dayor 32. Dehman 33. Dhabi Kalan 34. Dhabi Khurd 35. Dhand 36. Dhangar 37. Dhani Binja Lamba 38. Dharni 39. Dhaulu 40. Dhingsara 41. Dhir 42. Digoi 43. Dullat 44. Fatehabad 45. Gadli 46. Ghotru 47. Gilian Khera 48. Gorakhpur 49. Hanspur 50. Hijarawan Khurd 51. Hijrawan Kalan 52. Jandli Kalan 53. Jandli Khurd 54. Jandwala 55. Jhalnian 56. Kajal Heri 57. Kani Kheri 58. Karnoli 59. Kata Kheri 60. Khabra Kalan 61. Khabra Khurd 62. Khajuri Jati 63. Khan Mohammad 64. Khanpur 65. Khara Kheri 66. Khariati Khera 67. Khasa Pathanana 68. Kheraiwala 69. Kheri Rohan 70. Kirdhan 71. Kukrawali 72. Kumharia 73. Lehrian 74. Majra 75. Malhar 76. Manawali 77. Matana 78. Mehuwala 79. Mochiwali 80. Mohammadpur Rohi 81. Nadhauri 82. Nagpur 83. Nehla 84. Phull 85. Pili Mandori 86. Ramsra 87. Razabad 88. Sarwarpur35 89. Shahidan Wali 90. Shekhupur Darauli 91. Sirdhan 92. Suli Khera 93. Theri 94. Thuyan 95. Tibbi
Through YouTube and personal dedication, Desi Infotainer is preserving the stories of those who experienced the violence of Partition and helping families to reconnect.
We travel from village to village to collect these stories. we believe that there is a sea of forgotten tales which should be discovered.
Please watch: "Vichhora Plus Vichhora || Village Bhooray Near Chamkaur Sahib || A Story of Punjab Partition 1947"