One of our subscribers asked me to discuss the relationship between criminal defense attorneys and prosecution and what favors are done. I decided to discuss the issue. This is off the cuff while I am driving to the law office. No scripts. It's important so when a bottom feeder defense attorney, the car salesman without ethics, claims to have juice ( a friendship ) with the prosecutor you know the deal. How often have you heard an attorney claim to be friends with prosecutor or judge? Unfortunately, too often. I was once in a courtroom and the judge asked did anyone promise you anything other than what is in the plea paperwork and the client/defendant said yes! My attorney said his father is the chief judge and that you will hook it up or hook me up. It was a marvelous moment that a shit attorney got called out on record and a sad moment for the profession because there are no promises or guarantees. There are a lot of great attorneys with ethics and there are non-ethical do$%&bags that give the profession a bad name. I hope the video sheds some truth on the real relationship between the parties. Thank you for watching and please subscribe and share.
I wonder how many prosecutors will watch this video?