Score - https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/4479879499
Beatmap - https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/161089#osu/1073071
My osu! profile - https://osu.ppy.sh/users/31545117 (TURN LAZER MODE ON)
Current std Ranking (as of upload) - #101,921
MERRY MERRY MERRY MENU... Ne! by Tamura Yukari
Map: Lami's Extra by Lami | 5.95*
pp gained this play: 240pp
Q&A (updated) -
A - Sumaookami Shiroko
Q - What do you use to record your clips?
A - I use OBS at 60fps. My monitor is 144hz.
Q - How do you make your thumbnails?
A - I use Pixlr X. I simply compile a screenshot of footage from that video with added effects and text and booyah (trust me it's not that difficult)
Q - Do you have an upload schedule?
A - As of now, I just post whenever I'm motivated. There are times where I'm busy and can't post, or times where I'm not in the mood so that's partly why.
Details -
(All details are subject to 1x speed)
Date played: 8th March 2025
(std!) Keybinds: A, S
BPM: 180
Mods: Nomod
Misses: 0 [FC]
Status: Ranked
Grade: S
Vocaloid (if there is one used) - N/A
Tags: minakami yuki cute japanese jpop christmas song carol ufw star koiyuki karia kanor karen crz sword rumia- kencho lami yf_bmp intoon little kawaiwkyik rizia cloudsplash16
Mapper: moonlightleaf / Lami
Game: osu!Lazer - https://osu.ppy.sh/home/download
Skin - Sumaookami Shiroko
current sub count (as of upload) - 454
#osu #jpop #stamina #rhythmgame #osuskin #osugames #osulazer