Hello Friends! In today's vlog I explore machine embroidering onto towel fabric (flannel/face washer) using a 'floating hoop' technique and wash-away solvy. I also do a fabric-pull from my stash, ready to dive into my next quilt block tutorial that I'll also be turning into a mini Baby Quilt QAL! Happy Days! ^_^ LINKS to things I mention... - My Block Tutorial Playlist: https://bit.ly/34sKcB3 -Brother NV180D Sewing/Embroidery Machine: https://bit.ly/3hsEItl - Sim Threads: https://amzn.to/3paX2v8 - Urban Threads: https://bit.ly/3svZ63l 'Weapons of Choice' design: https://bit.ly/36zWsR6 'Blooming Mason Jar' design: https://bit.ly/3BIb6RG 'Bite Me! Cupcake' design: https://bit.ly/3vi9w7M 'Delicate Botanical Wreath' design: https://bit.ly/33JcW8l - Weapons of Choice on a tea towel Short: https://youtu.be/M-wJNhUeqRU - Winnie the Pooh on a tea towel Short: https://youtu.be/ttJHJ--TcYc - My Disney Instagram Account: @disney_of_oz - SAY THANKS - Support me and my channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/3and3quarters +++ SNAIL MAIL: Amanda Rolfe PO Box 1179 St Marys NSW 1790 Australia You can also find me here... QUILTING BLOG | http://3and3quarters.net FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/3and3quarters/ TWITTER | https://twitter.com/3and3quarters INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/3and3quarters PINTEREST | http://www.pinterest.com/3and3quarters/boards/ TUMBLR | http://amandarolfe.tumblr.com ETSY SHOP | https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/3and3quarters EMAIL | [email protected] Thanks for watching!! xx