🪼 Hi there! Welcome to The Jellyfish Journals! 🪼
This video is a complete walkthrough of all of the spreads I created and used in February 2025, and a plan-with-me of my March calendar setup. My journaling style is a mix of creative journaling, memory keeping, junk journaling, bullet journaling, planing/to-do lists, and whatever else pops in my head. You could say my journaling tentacles are in a little bit of everything!
Let me know if you have any thoughts in the comments, I look forward to connecting with the reading journal community!
Follow along:
🪼 / thejellyfishjournals
🪼 thejellyfishjournals
Here are links to some of the materials I've used in these spreads (Amazon links are affiliate links):
🪼 Archer & Olive - https://www.archerandolive.com
🪼 Tweezers - https://amzn.to/4gbMCTQ
🪼 Gellyroll Pens - https://amzn.to/413lKAE
(in order of spreads)
🪼 Stickers (Pink Butterfly Spread) - https://tinyurl.com/45p6f8yh
🪼 Wave PET Tape (Wave Spread) - https://amzn.to/4kqUUdu
🪼 Blue Floral PET Tape (Vacation Spread) - https://amzn.to/41vfXTQ
🪼 Window Stickers (Vacation Spread) - https://amzn.to/4h5q47s
🪼 Purple Boxes (Green Leaf Spread) - https://amzn.to/41nknMm
🪼 Floral Stickers (Pink Spread) - https://tinyurl.com/4cn48a9x
🪼 Floral Stickers (Garmin Badges Spread) - https://tinyurl.com/4rctncx5
🪼 Floral Stickers (March Calendar Spread) - https://tinyurl.com/2r5xr9vu
I was having trouble finding the rest, let me know if you want the link to something not listed and I'll dig a little harder! 😊
Disclosure: Amazon links are affiliate links, and I may receive a small amount through your purchase at no cost to you. All opinions are - and always will be - completely my own.
I also subscribe to some other amazing planners and journalists you might enjoy:
🪼 @JashiiCorrin
🪼 @PlanningwithBumble
🪼 @amandarachlee
🪼 @planningwithkay
🪼 @ScrappyWife
🪼 @RyeMiArt
🪼 @toribetweenpages
🪼 @SarahRenaeClark
🪼 @ErinSmith