As the middle of the journey after catching Illinois monthly test early in the morning I woke up super early excited for this siren trip for the 1st Tuesday as this would be my first ever Thunderbolt siren recording, Me and the others arrived to Bement IL to capture this beautiful restored Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1003 which was restored by CentralIllinoisSirens and not only seeing the regular monthly pattern we also got to see a awesome Hi-Lo bonus along with it, this was worth the hype and I hope you guys are excited like I am for this one.
Shoutout out to the fire chief and CentralIllinoisSirens for allowing us to be here for this event and for this amazing capture.
Siren: Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1003
Location: Bement, IL
Signal: Alert (3 Minutes) & "undulating" Hi-Lo (1 Minute)
Tests: 1st Tuesday of the month at 10 AM CT
Recorded on August 6th, 2024
People Present: Cooper ( @ILwarntech ), Zion ( @NorthernOHWX ), Isotope ( @IsoSirens ), Blue Bolt ( @Blue_Bolt_Da_Wusky ), Emerson ( @centralillinoissirens.), Drew ( @EAStestfan25 ), @Creeperfan12, @illinoisirens07, @nascarsimracing1, and others.