On July 1st 1998 I made my way to Narita Airport in Tokyo to board FedEx Flight 15 to Hong Kong. My goal was to see the famous Checkerboard Approach from Row Zero, the cockpit jumpseat. Kai Tak airport was only going to be open for another 5 days so this was my only chance. The crew, Capt Ron Rounce and First Officer Paul Z welcomed me aboard MD-11 N604FE (Hollis) and we made our way south. When we picked up the ATIS I heard the words I had come halfway around the world to hear, "IGS 13 approach in use". They were shooting The Checkerboard. Capt. Rounce hand flew the approach. He had been flying in Asia for 25 years and this was his last landing at Kai Tak. It was a great thrill to fly it with him. This video is dedicated to Ron who passed away a couple years later.
You will see the loading of the aircraft in NRT, some enroute stuff and most importably the full approach from the downwind abeam Kai Tak to the turn to the IGS final over Chek Lap Kok (where one runway is still under construction) and finally the turn to final over Kowloon City. After a smooth touchdown we taxi clear and make our way to the parking bay.
This was shot with a VHS-C camcorder so the quality isn't great and I didn't realize there was a smudge on the lens. But still I think this video captures the magic of The Checkerboard Approach.
I spent the next 5 day around Kai Tak watching and filming the last of the action at this great airport. I will post the video, including the last arrival (Dragon Air 841 A-320) on July 5th to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the closing. Technically the last departure to Chek Lap Kok was after midnight on the 6th but landings is what Kai Tak was all about.